Pandemic Justice: Parole Board Launches Videoconferencing Pilot Project The COVID-19 pandemic continues to shape how Canadian criminal lawyers and their clients handle all varieties of legal issues. For example, the Parole Board of Canada recently announced the launch of a new pilot project allowing victims of crime to participate in parole hearings via videoconferencing. The […]
Read MoreOntario Announces Changes to Contingency Fees In early October, the Province of Ontario amended the Solicitors Act to adopt a new regulation including a standard form contingency fee agreement. The amendment will come into effect next July, with implications for every personal injury lawyer in the province, including those listed in our Canadian lawyer directory. […]
Read MorePandemic Justice: Employment Lawyers Have Been Kept Busy During COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the international economy, as the lawyers listed in our employment lawyer directory know well. In Canada, the impact has been felt differently across industries. Restaurants, hospitality, tourism, and retail are all suffering acutely, as are the […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 Forces Ontario Courts to Embrace New Technology Despite the horrific medical, economic, and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the massive society-wide efforts to reduce the virus’s spread have accelerated certain positive changes. For example, the City of Toronto has launched several cycling initiatives which will help reduce collisions involving vulnerable road users for […]
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