Experienced Lawyers Ottawa

Experienced Ottawa Lawyers from a Variety of Practice Areas
Experienced Counsel to Protect Your Rights and Guide You in Difficult Times

The Ottawa lawyers listed here share in common accomplished careers built on a wealth of experience and achievement.

Serious problems require serious help. If you have a situation that requires the services of a lawyer to protect your rights and interests, it is important to seek out the Ottawa lawyers best suited to you and the particular needs of your case.

Angela Daniels

Daniels Law Firm - Ottawa Family Law Lawyer

cat-icon 116 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3, Canada

Ted Bergeron

Bergeron | Clifford - Ottawa Injury Accident Lawyers

cat-icon 185 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Lee Mullowney

Mullowney's Law - Ottawa Lawyers

cat-icon 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Suite 700, ON K1N 8S7, Canada

Tara Lemke

Williams Litigation Lawyers - Ottawa

cat-icon 169 Rue Gilmour Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada


511 Bloor St W #200 B, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1Y4